The Coop FIS Cross-Country World Cup is back in Oberhof!
19. - 21. Januar 2024


Oberhofer Sport und Event GmbH

Mailing Adress: Am Grenzadler 7, 98559 Oberhof

Phone: +49 (0) 36842 53330
Fax: +49 (0) 36842 533330


Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Jena HRB512772
Registered office: Oberhof
VAT ID No.: DE308649834

Responsible for content:
Managing Director: Bernd Wernicke


Oberhofer Sport und Event GmbH owns all photos presented on this web page.

Photographer: Christian Heilwagen and Kevin Voigt.

We thank Alexander from AP-Photogallery for the great aerial photos and panorama.

A publication requires an agreement in any way. A publication without written permission and indication of source won’t be tolerated.

Design | Implementation | Hosting

Hermann-Pistor-Straße 33a | 07745 Jena




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